The Employment Allowance, which exists for certain employers to get a rebate on employer’s National Insurance, will increase from £4,000 to £5,000 per annum in April 2022.

Interestingly, the allowance does not apply to employers of nannies. However, the allowance is available to anyone who employs someone in their home to perform duties for an individual who needs such duties because of:

a) Old age
b) Mental or physical disability
c) Past or present dependence on alcohol or drugs
d) Past or present illness
e) Past or present mental disorder

If you think your employee may fall into one of the above categories (and we are not already claiming Employment Allowance on your behalf) please get in touch…

Taxing Carers

Employing a carer brings with it the same responsibilities to account for PAYE and NI as for nannies or any other employees. Did you know we have an additional business to cater for those who require a permanent carer but are living in their own home?

Taxing Carers look after the payroll affairs of the employer of the carer in a similar way to those employing a nanny. (We are claiming Employment Allowance for all of our Taxing Carers clients.)