Rises in minimum wages are welcome news for employees. But employers need to ensure changes are made if necessary, and at the right time.

The National Living Wage, which applies to anyone aged 23 and over, is increasing from 1 April 2022. It is rising from £8.91 gross per hour to £9.50 gross per hour. It is your responsibility to ensure that your employees receive the minimum National Living Wage, if appropriate.

The National Minimum Wage is also increasing on 1 April 2022. This is rising to £9.18 gross per hour for employees aged 21-22, to £6.53 gross per hour for employees aged 18-20, and to £4.81 gross per hour for workers aged 16-17. In addition, the apprentice rate is changing to £4.81 per hour, and the daily accommodation offset rate increasing to £8.70.

If you are unsure about the rate that is being paid or should be paid, please contact Taxing Nannies…